Finally, after 4, 5, I don' know how many years I have finished one of my most favorite quilts. I started it with no particular recipient in mind. It was my vacation project at my friend Mary's house. She has a machine that I could do the embroidery on. I got all the blocks done there and maybe even the top done. I don't remember that long ago. My #3 (in age) niece was visiting and asked what my latest project was. I showed it to her.
She immediately fell in love with it and asked who it was for. I just said for a special baby. She assumed it was intended for someone already. I decided right then and there it would be for her baby whenever that time would come. Her dad told me that last summer she commented to him about the quilt and wondered if I would make another one like it. I won't have to. I have decided to give it to her when she graduates from her Master's program in May. She can put it in her hope chest. Or who knows, maybe she will want it hanging in her home. One of my prayers for her is that one of these days she will meet her Prince Charming, they will marry and have one or more babies who will enjoy the quilt. Now I worry that I might have to make something similar for her brothers when they begin having kids. Maybe I should start real soon.