Saturday, January 17, 2009

A new toy

For several months now I've been toying with the idea of getting a little point-and-shoot camera that I can keep in my pocket.  There have been so many times when I've wished I had a camera with me but I didn't bring my dSLR because of the size.  Well, after missing some great photo ops the last few days I stopped at the camera shop on the way home from work.  I now have a Fuji J150.  It was a great deal.  One of those bundle deals.  The battery is charging.  I'll try it out tomorrow along with the dSLR.  Well, if the conditions are right.  Anyway, I'm a happy camper tonight.


Howdy said...

I have an old, old old digital Fuji camera and it still works just fine! You'll enjoy having a pocket camera for those unplanned shots.

Judy G said...

Even the pros sometimes carry little pocket-sized ones for those occasions when they don't want to carry their heavier equipment! You can get some pretty good shots with some of those little ones. You may not be able to do as many things, but, a good photographer can be a good photographer, no matter what camera they use.